Our Traditional Worship Service happens at 8:30 am. We gather for worship in the upstairs sanctuary. The congregation uses a bulletin. The music is typically from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, and the congregation is accompanied by our organist, Carole Hedrick. Our chancel choir and our bell choir participate in this service. This service is livestreamed so you can attend virtually or view it later.
Our Informal Service happens at 10:30 am. Folks gather downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. The music is contemporary, and our House Worship Band accompanies the congregation.
Communion is served at each service every Sunday. All are invited to share in communion.
Holy Trinity is a faith community who values relationships. We nurture our relationship with God, and we nurture our relationships with each other. This happens in the predictable good times as well as the surprising challenges of life and of death. Our hope is that the community shows up for one another to reflect the ways of the Kingdom of God. If you have questions about any of our passages, celebrations or faith milestones, please reach out.
First Bible
Affirmation of Baptism (Rite of Confirmation)
Graduation Celebration
Celebration of Elders
Ordination Anniversary
Congregational Celebrations