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Have you wondered about why GOD created you in your unique way and what/how you can use your special gifts?  Then please join your Stewardship Team in participating in our Spring Spiritual Gifts Program!  You have a choice for either the Sunday Morning program or the Wednesday evening abbreviated program. Educational Program Leaders- Lois Moss and Bev Mulvihill will conduct two programs and you can chose which fits your schedule best.

Wednesday Night Program:
February 12, 19, March 12, 19 
During Faith Quest Adult Faith Formation- 45 minutes
This program will be an abbreviated version using discussion and
handout booklet provided by Faith Quest.

Sunday Morning Program:  
March 2, 9, 16, 23, April 6
9:30-10:30a in the Fireside Room
The Sunday program will include video, discussion, and workbook, Network: Participant's Guide Revised: The Right People, in the Right Places, for the Right Reasons, at the Right Time
by Bruce Bugbee and Don Cousins.

Any questions, please contact Lois Moss, Bev Mulvihill or Cindy Plesko. We hope to see you there!